Elisa Ferrari


Sales & Marketing Director, Co-founder

I inherited my entrepreneurial spirit and desire to lead from my family, particularly my father Isidoro. And also my belief that a business owner who relies on their own capabilities should also work to create new opportunities for growth and development.

As young Italian entrepreneurs we have an important role to play, and it's our responsibility to continue the path our forefathers embarked on, bringing innovation and contributing to the success of our country in the wider world.

In DiamArt I instantly saw an opportunity to do this, with the challenge of launching an unprecedented and fascinating product in a sector - luxury goods - in which we Italians can truly excel.

With our decorative product we seek to express the creativity, ingenuity, artisan skill and expertise of our country by marketing a product that represents quintessential Italian excellence.

For us, DiamArt means creating a new brand for the luxury, design and automotive sectors as a partner of the most prestigious names, but also creating our own decorative products which balance high-quality materials, attention to detail, technology, industrial processes and craftsmanship.

It also means providing new opportunities for our local area, already world-famous for its exquisite marbles and craftsmanship, with the aim of helping it to emerge on new markets, demonstrating that Made in Italy is far more than a matter of provenance, and above all an attitude.

I've always believed that work, and the constancy it demands, are essential for the completion of an individual, and that the efforts they entail are an investment in one's own physical and mental wellbeing, as well as a healthy society. This is why one of DiamArt's objectives is to offer new opportunities for employment and create a new approach to the world of work, perhaps different to the past.

Indeed, I'm convinced that the complexity and dynamism of today's work scenario are no longer compatible with the figure of the "solitary entrepreneur" of the old days, and that today success depends on working as a team.

So it's essential to involve the team in decision-making and move forwards together, benefiting from the experience and professionalism of every individual. Because this is the real legacy we can offer the world. The strength of DiamArt lies partly in this daily commitment to shared growth and responsibility, along with continuous research and a desire for improvement.

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